Friday, November 2, 2012

Guess Who!

Do you remember, as a kid, sneaking up behind someone, covering their eyes and saying, "guess who"?  For someone to recognize you by your voice, your touch, your scent ..... they would have to know you fairly well.

National Honor Society yearbook photo from 1974.
Everyone wants to be recognized!  That means you are important enough to be remembered.  I've had what I call my "wallflower syndrome" since my Senior year in high school.  Anyone who knows me knows that I have a pretty strong sense of self-worth, but there are cracks in every one's esteem.

My very last game as a cheerleader we were at the district basketball tournament.  As a group, our squad went into the hospitality room.  In talking to the hosting school's cheerleaders I was stunned when none of them "remembered" me from the years I had cheered.  The other two girls in our graduating class were petite and pretty ..... and memorable.   But, I was average height, average weight, average looks ....... I didn't stand out enough to be remembered.  I was, in my eyes, a wallflower.  This happened thirty-eight years ago, but the effect of that one evening sticks with me still today.

There have been other instances where I felt unappreciated that stick out in my mind, as well, but this was the first time that I can remember feeling less than the obviously wonderful, beautiful person that I knew myself to be!

The other day I did something nice.  It happens occasionally ..... not often enough, I have to admit ..... but the persons that I had helped sent a thank you card to me, signed by each one of them.  I was elated!  I was appreciated!  I was recognized!  In this case, I was not overlooked.  I pinned that note up on my bulletin board by my desk.

Upon seeing my "trophy" displayed proudly, the person who had asked me to help this group admitted to me that they had not received a thank you note from this same group.  Not only had she asked me to help, she had given more than I had and definitely physically helped more than I had.  At the time, my response was cursory, but I knew exactly how she felt.  That feeling of not being appreciated has prodded each and every one of us at some point in time.

The other day, in having a discussion with one of my adult children, I realized that I had fallen short on showing just appreciation for this child's actions, attitude and generous spirit.  It is so easy to criticize and I had done that liberally.  But, I had forgotten to show the appreciation; I hadn't recognized the wonderful child he had been and loving man he had become.  I had made him feel like a wallflower!

I pray that God forgives all of the awful sins I have committed in my life, but maybe worse than the things I've done are the things I haven't done.

I am going to try to give encouragement every day of my life.  I want to give the pats on the back that are deserved.  I hope I can show the appreciation that I've missed showing in the past.  I never want to leave another person feeling that I didn't appreciate them enough ...... I don't want anyone else to feel like a wallflower because of my actions.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A New Spin on "Pin"

I crochet and I knit  ..... all the time  .....  everywhere I go  .....  while I am waiting outside in the car when the kids run in to get a soda  .....  during football and basketball games to distract me enough that I don't get obnoxious  .....  during church services  (I've had a few people tell me I should be ashamed --- but I'm not) .....  while I watch TV  .....  no kidding, all the time.

This is therapy for me.  When I get upset or frazzled, if I can sit quietly for 10 or 15 minutes with my yarn, I center myself again.  It is like a long, deep breath, only better, for me!  If I am waiting it fills my time and keeps me from becoming impatient.

And, I have learned that you can knit without actually watching the knitting.  So, I am able to watch my kids play in sports while being slightly distracted by my knitting.  That way I can leave the game without being ashamed of my behavior!  ;)

When my sister introduced me to the website Pinterest I could not have imagined that it would make so many improvements in my life.  My "crafting game" has been taken to another level.  Since joining Pinterest I have learned multiple yarn techniques to enhance my skills.

I've learned invaluable tricks like the Russian join from the Twist Yarn Shop blog.

This little trick of neatly ending a crochet round off of the Dutch blog Grietjekarwietje has forever changed how I finish every crocheted edge.

Pinterest has increased my vocabulary with words like pinning, upcycle, and repurpose.  Those piles and piles of old worn-out blue jeans that I have stored away now have a chance to see the light of day again!

But, more than anything I have found many sources of inspiration.  My mind spins with all of the things I would like to make!

From a pin of this cardigan by Yarn Theory on Flickr .....
I was able to follow the path she gave to the pattern .....

 I loved the colors and even used her modifications to the pattern to end up with the cardi above.  This was a birthday present for the daughter of the friend who had pinned the original photo.

Search nearly any subject on Pinterest and you will find an abundance of posts, which leads you to boards that you will want to follow and pins that are now organized so that you can find that post again.

Oh, that my life could be as organized as my pinterest boards!  ;)